Technology Writing

Functional Programming: A PragPub Anthology

“Reading Functional Programming: A PragPub Anthology will get you ready to dig into functional programming, and give you enough understanding of these languages to pick the one you want to start with. Highly recommended!”

Ron Jeffries, Just Some Guy at XProgramming, Inc.

Wait, what?

What is this Functional Programming: A PragPub Anthology of which you speak?

I’m glad you asked, imaginary questioner.

Functional Programming: A PragPub Anthology is a new book soon to be published by The Pragmatic Bookshelf. It’s a collection of articles from PragPub on functional programming. But it’s also an introduction to how functional programming is addressed in five languages: Scala, Clojure, Elixir, Haskell, and Swift. We’re pretty excited about this project. Watch this space or the Pragmatic Bookshelf site for the announcement of its publication date.